What to do if you have been waiting for a residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" for a very long time?  

"Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" Have you been in Poland for some time, but feel insecure? Are you still waiting for the issuance of the "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" residence permit or are you afraid of problems with obtaining it?  

Have you been in Poland for some time, but you feel insecure? Are you still waiting for the issuance of the "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" residence permit or are you afraid of problems with obtaining it?  

The residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" is necessary for all foreigners who want to settle freely and work in Poland. Unfortunately, the waiting time for its release is very long. Depending on the voivodship, it ranges from several months to even 2-3 years. Such a long waiting time can be very severe. Until the "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" is issued, you cannot leave the Polish area (even to appear at a wedding or funeral), because your "stamp" in your passport will expire and you will not be able to return.

Why does it take so long to get a Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application"? 

Why do you have to wait so long for the Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" to be issued?

Most often, the long waiting time results from a large number of cases in the office or deficiencies in the application submitted by you.

The Office should hear your case within 2 months. However, this deadline can only be met if the Office has all the necessary documents at its disposal. If you do not provide all the documents yourself, the Office will have to inform you what is missing in a separate letter / request. The problem is that this significantly extends the time of processing the application for a residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)".

Unfortunately, officials are overloaded. The number of cases for issuing a residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" is huge. Meanwhile, staff shortages and numerous errors in applications mean that the recognition of cases is significantly delayed. This is not at all due to the malice of officials.

What can I do to speed up the issuance of the Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)? 

It doesn't matter what caused the delay in issuing your Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)". The Office is obliged to hear your case. What can you do to speed it up?

First of all, you can try to send a letter to the Office asking about the status of the case. Responding to the letter will help you determine what is currently happening in your case and why the delay occurred. Sometimes it happens that during the examination of the case, you change your place of residence, and the Office continues to direct the documentation to the previous address.

Secondly, you can apply the so-called reminder. A reminder can help you speed up the processing of your temporary residence card (TRC Application)" application. The Office is obliged to respond to your reminder.  

Thirdly, you can file a complaint. If within 2-3 weeks you do not receive a response to your reminder or a decision in the case, you will be able to file a complaint with the Provincial Administrative Court. This also makes it possible to obtain financial compensation for the extremely long conduct of the proceedings. The amount of compensation may amount to half of ten times the monthly salary in the economic national (in the second half of 2021 up to PLN 51,049.00).

Is it worth submitting a letter, reminder or complaint about the inaction of the authority to speed up the issuance of the Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)? 

Is it really worth making additional efforts to accelerate the issuance of a residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)", e.g. sending a letter asking about the state of the case, filing a reminder or sending a complaint about the inaction of the authority?

Officials in provincial offices have their superiors in Warsaw. In each case of formal urging by you, they are obliged to provide explanations to explain why it takes so long to settle your case. However, unfortunately, the usual "requests" to speed things up are treated informally and are simply ignored. For this reason, it is very important to clearly indicate that you are making a reminder in your case and on what basis.

Unfortunately, in practice, it often turns out that only the introduction of a reminder and demonstration by the Foreigner of the awareness of his rights, and sometimes the disclosure of legal support, causes the "priority" treatment of the case. Simply put, your interest in the case and professional approach to obtaining a residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)", including the urging of Officials, can really speed up the consideration of your case.

In my opinion, it is really worth making additional efforts. Obtaining a temporary residence permit Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)" for a foreigner is a key issue. Thanks to it, you will get a work permit, as well as the opportunity to freely go to your family for holidays or holidays, without losing the right to return to Polish. You will feel much more stable in the Polish. I have already helped my clients many times in obtaining a residence permit "Temporary Residence Card (TRC Application)".

If you need help, please contact me.

I can help you at every stage – drawing up an application or accelerating the examination of the case.

attorney-at-law Paweł Kowalski
r.pr. Pawel Kowalski

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